Monday, August 12, 2013

Brittani Fulmer- Blog #9


Photo number one… Chanel Store 

1. Where are lights positioned? Ceiling, floor, or sides of window? 
The lights in Chanel are placed along the ceiling. 

2. How many lighting fixtures do you see?
I see seven lights 

3. What style are the lighting fixtures? Cans, or other? 
They are more of a spot lighting 


4. Do any lights shine in your eyes or are they all properly focused on products? In this case they are not shining directly in my eyes. They do a great job at really highlighting they mannequins and the giant hanging posters. 

5. Are bulbs clean? For the most part I do believe they are clean they are kind of scattered but not anything that really catches my attention if i am not looking for it. 

6. Does the lighting enhance the display?
I think it very much does because without this spot lights the displays would be unnoticeable since the store is already so dark. 


6. Does the lighting enhance the display?
 Yes in every way! They have lights coming from all different angles which makes this display say HEY LOOK AT ME!!

7. How does the lighting enhance the display from your expert visual merchandising perspective? 
Well since the lights are places around the entire window it gives the chance to really pick of those tones of greens and browns and it puts just enough highlight on each color. 

If you notices this display is a little different because the lights are not just paced on the ceiling they are also placed on the sides and on the floor. 

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